My baby girl with her first spring bubbles!
Happy first day of spring! Spring used to be my least favorite season. In fact, I kinda hated it. In Michigan, spring just means mud. Rained out baseball games. Inside recess. Did I mention mud? It is basically a muddy waiting room to summer which is what every Michigander is waiting for the other 275 days a year. But in the past few years, spring has started to make its way up the ranks.
Spring is a time of renewal. As a Christian I celebrate Easter and am reminded that Jesus died so we could have new life. Nature responds each year with the birth of baby animals everywhere. Green returns. Flowers bloom. Neighbors emerge from their homes again. Forget January! All of creation is declaring this is the time for new life resolutions!
As Michigan prepares to pop with color and life, I can’t help to be reminded of the dark days our family is leaving behind. Some other day, I’ll write about the specific struggles in our marriage and family, but for now I am just happy to feel life and hope being breathed back into our family and home. I know that most of that is because of the change in my focus, attitude, and outlook. I am thankful that my struggles taught me to slow down and treasure where I am currently at. I am so thankful that when I look for the good around me and our family, I can always, always find it.
This spring I am feeling especially inspired. So many dreams have been swirling inside of my heart and I can feel God slowly start to pull them into a reality. The threads of my life are connecting and my fear is turning to faith and gumption quicker than ever. This blog has been just the start. Putting myself out to literally anyone who wants to read it (once I figure out technology and share it) has a certain level of vulnerability I wasn’t so prepared to face. But I am ready and finding that the first few labored steps in pursuing the God breathed dreams inside of my heart is beginning to turn into more of a skip of excitement and I am ready to pick up the pace to run the race set before me.
I am surrounded by amazing women, stepping out in faith, to pursue their dreams. One dear friend has started The Encouraging Voice just to inspire others. Another is following her passion for sustainable living with her new business, The Mustard Seed. And still others are sharing inspiration, books, and encouraging words with me about what they see inside of me. I can’t ignore that gift and let it go to waste. It’s time to start walking in my gifts. It’s time for new life resolutions. It’s time to think spring. Life is good. High five for home.
What dream do you need to start making a reality? Leave a comment to inspire someone else!
Kendra! This is wonderful! So happy for you finding and sharing your voice. (And you have blogged before–remember the not-so-little project you helped me with?) I look forward to learning more about your journey! (And you just might be inspiring me, too!)
I do remember that first blog! You have been such an inspiration to me. I can’t wait to see what your next venture in life will be!
This is great! Can’t wait to read more. Love that you are following your heart.
I have a couple dreams….I want to be an elementary administrator sooner rather than later and I want to be an author. I need to just start jotting ideas down and get reading up on the best way to get started.
Thank you, Jen! I think your dreams can definitely become reality. Do you carry a journal with you or use Evernote? I use both of those tools to keep track of the jumble of ideas that flow through my brain 24/7.
I love your template! Who inspires you as a blogger? What sorts of habits are you working to establish as you get started? Good luck and enjoy!
Thank you, Angela! I’m a member of your Young Writers’ Studio group on Facebook. Many of your posts inspire me to keep journaling. Bloggers who inspire me are Kristen Welch from We are That Family, Brittney Poe from The Poe Fam, Cara Carroll from The First Grade Parade, Lysa Terkeurst, Jennie Allen, Jen Hatmaker, Mediocre Mommy, Seth Godin. I have sporadic habits at the moment, but I am journaling on Evernote and in my paper journal as much as my crazy life allows and checking out a lot of blogs that help people start successful blogs. I have always used writing as a way to organize the chaos in my mind. Much of it never shared beyond a friend or my hubby, but I have been encouraged a great deal to start sharing my voice so I thought I would dive in. Yesterday was as good a day as any. Thanks for stopping by!
Kendra i love reading your thoughts, keep them coming!
Thank you, Sarah!