1. Find a scripture or life mantra.
In the middle of justifying some not-so-great choices and feeling sorry for myself, I am pretty sure God slapped me across my face in the wee hours of the morning when I couldn’t sleep. This verse…
Philippians 1:6 Be confident in this, He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion and perfection. (That is a smashed up version of a few biblical translations, but what popped in my mind nonetheless.)
Here is a prettier version.
It has become my mantra for over a month now. It is growing my faith. I can’t just stop believing in God’s promises and the seeds he has planted in my heart just because life is hard. That isn’t faith.
So I just keep perseverating on this verse. He gave me some dreams. I felt like I heard a promise or two in my deeper walk of previous years. If I have any hope at all of those coming true, I need to walk the walk of my faith and wait for Him to perfect it. God’s not done with me OR my family yet. So I pull on my big girl panties and keep going.
2. Embrace an attitude of gratitude.
Even with all the yuck in this world, there is ALWAYS something to be thankful for. I am trying to focus on those things. In the darker moments of the day, I take deep breaths and remind myself of what is still good. All of my needs are met. I have great friends. I have family who love me. I am safe. For that, I can be grateful.
3. Pull the people you love closer.
At this moment, I am pouring my heart into my Sweet V. She is pure joy. Even when she is being a little stink, she is still my secret joy. I LOVE all of her personality. She is exactly what her mommy and daddy need, and not one part of her wasn’t made to do something great. Filling up my empty moments with her, spending the tough moments speaking into her heart, and focusing on my parenting priorities is time well spent. That alone makes life better.

All I want for Christmas…
4. Do the hard things.
I read a book called Do Hard Things a few years back. I read it alongside my bonus son to encourage him that even though he was a teenager, he had more to offer this world than what society says. It became a little bit of a personal mantra and I have turned it into my classroom motto. It teaches grit. The hard things are the things take discipline and effort. Taking care of my health. Following through on my commitments. Making the tough parenting choices. Staying away from things that are not good for my heart and soul. Loving the people who are not loveable. Just always doing the next, right thing.
5. Do the little things with big love.

Last night, V and I made pumpkin pancakes for dinner. I was going to make them while she watched a show. But I have been remembering all of the ways my mom taught me when I was young and their wasn’t 24/7 tech to waste away on. We didn’t have a lot when I was little, but we had a kitchen and we had food. She baked with me a lot and I treasure those moments.
I have been drinking coffee with my favorite creamer (ok, Baileys on the weekends) when I feel like getting cozy. Even if that is 8:00pm.
I have been watching my cheesy movies to fold laundry and streaming all my favorite Pandora stations while I cook and clean.
At work, I listen to music on my breaks and go outside just to breathe in a big fresh breath of air, chat with coworkers and visit V at her class even if it means I am a tiny bit less productive.
I’ve even been eating healthier (minus the coffee creamer) and fitting in a tiny bit of fitness.
These are MY little things. (Find your little things.) These are the things I did before life knocked me down. The little things add up and become the catalyst to propel us forward into bigger things.
When this world wants to tug of war with your heart and life, DIG YOUR HEELS IN! Pull back harder. No matter what you are facing, big or little, keep going. Keep loving. And bit by bit the darkness will be overcome by the light of the love you give to others and yourself.
We can do hard things, friends. Life is good. Keep making your house a love filled home.
High five for home.