Keep reading if you need some morning magic in your life.
I have read over and over, and also heard on many a podcast and vlog that the common denominator in the lives of successful people is how they spend their mornings. They front load their day with the things that matter so they don’t get to the end of the day missing the parts that keep their body, mind, and spirit focused and their foundations strong. So how different was that from how I was spending my mornings?
- Hit snooze until the last possible second
- Jump in shower or dry shampoo and “shower” with Bath and Body Works lotion
- Get dressed and put on mascara
- Wake up kiddo if I haven’t already (because the last possible second could actually be longer on some days)
- Rush her to get ready while I am still getting ready
- Frantically grab all.the.things.and head out of the door feeling horrible with crying child
- Speed to work, calm child in the car, and barge into my classroom door 5 minutes before my students arrive
- Prep my child with a hug or shout at her to get ready for class because her hot mess moment never ended due to my hot mess moment
- Smile as I open the door for my students and pretend that I am calm and centered until it actually happens once I guide them through their morning routine.
Rinse. Repeat. It definitely was NOT magic.
Morning Magic happens when I wake up an hour and a half before my kiddo.
Seriously. I’ve tried 30 minutes. I have tried an hour. But if I want to maximize my day, pour into myself, and become the woman I am meant to be, then my alarm goes off at 4:45 M-F.
- Feet on the floor after alarm
- Hit my yoga mat with soft music, my devotional, and my journal
- Yoga routine and prayers throughout
- Journal a bit and list out some goals for the day
- Weights routine
- Shower and get dressed
- Makeup and hair (not super elaborate but better than before)
- Prep lunches (if not the night before) and prep dinner
- Coffee prepped for the commute
- Wake up my kiddo with some peace and a little love
- Breakfast and bag packing
- Walk out of the door and drive the speed limit
- Converse with child in the car, guide through homework, pray, sing
- Arrive at work with a calm and peaceful heart ready to embrace my other babies
Ok…maybe that last one isn’t always entirely true because my daughter is still 7. She still has mornings where my peace and joy cannot penetrate her emotions. BUT at least our individual hot messes don’t collide and I can approach her struggle with the strength that God has provided for me.
Some people have said, “Well, Kendra, of course you can do this. You only have one child.”
Well I would say if you are solely responsible for the morning routine of any number of people besides yourself, you should be applying a version of this morning magic to your life.
It just isn’t possible. That chaotic morning I used to have was based on my laziness and selfishness. My own desires for a few more moments of sleep. And let’s be honest. You know if we are all honest waking up at 4:45, 6:00, or 7:00, every single momma is still tired and dragging. But once our feet hit the floor, our brains wake up, and the blood start flowing, we are ready to tackle the day.
Why not do it before the rest of the world starts demanding something from us so we can give our mind, body, and spirits what they need to be all that God has created us to be?
What does your morning look like? Could you benefit from making an early wake up a part of your morning habit for success? Let us know in the comments what your morning magic looks like.
You are the heartbeat and the rhythm of your family. Keep making your house a love filled home.
High five for home.
P.S. I just want to be real with you…This routine was non-negotiable for a few months straight. Since Christmas break, I haven’t been as committed. Life happens. Kids get sick. Snow days are precious memories. I get lazy after staying up too late. BUT…since I know the beauty this routine gives me, I get on track so much faster because I know this is what keeps my mind and spirit centered on God for the day and my body running as best as it can for the moment.
P.P.S. If you are a new or nursing momma who wakes up frequently, then this may not be the time in your life to implement this habit. Sleep when that baby sleeps and pin this post to read in 2 years. Much love to you as I do not want to head back into that space of life. 🙂
These are some great tips for creating a successful morning! I definitely enjoy journaling in the morning!
Morning journaling is the best. Our minds are so fresh! Thanks for stopping by.
Beautiful article, I just wish I was this disciplined
It has been a process. Start small. I just kept setting the alarm earlier and here I am. Thanks for stopping by!
Oh I like how you say that “passions inside of me weren’t matching up to the daily life I was living.” That is where I was too. I am such a night owl. But I’m realizing that I need a bit more to my mornings to get that day in order. Lately I’ve taken time to restructure my at home mornings. What a difference in achieving more for my family and my passions! Great post
Hopefully your night owl status was better than mine. I waste my nights, that is why I must front load my day for any sort of success! Thanks for stopping by!
Wow! This is definitely going to change my morning routine! I always wake up with a headache. I often dont sleep enough or I sleep too much (when I can ofcourse).
You need a little morning magic! Thanks for stopping by!
Thanks! This was motivational. I need to change my mornings
One little tweak at a time is how I got in my groove! Thanks for stopping by!
Having a well-aced mindful morning routine truly is magic for me too! I can’t always manage to have that but when I do… ooh the whole day is so much better! I’m always on the lookout on making my morning routine as perfect as can be!
Yes!! A fantastic start is key! But if we miss it, then we can always try to finish well. Thanks for stopping by.