And you know what? It worked.
Focusing on that simple word, JOY, and trying to see it in every moment, everywhere I was, brought me not only joy, but clarity and peace.
Peace that passed my understanding considering the turn life had taken, a few bad choices on my end, and an uncertainty of my future.
From sadness to joy!
From pain to peace!
I didn’t think it was possible because nothing was in my control this year except my ability to control my perspective and recognize the good.
I stopped letting everything that “seemed good” distract me from the voice deep inside that was going to actually lead me to great.
So if focusing on joy in everything can take me out of the darkness, what word can take me to the next level this year?
I have been thinking about my word for weeks and finally chose the word TRUST.
Trust that I am where I need to be on my path for this moment. (Ecclesiastes 3:1)
Trust that I am enough. (Ephesians 2:10)
Trust that I have enough to give to the people I love most. (Luke 6:38)
Trust that it is good and wise to give love to myself first if I am ever to truly love others. (Mark 12:31)
Trust that I have the strength to develop the skills necessary to reach my God breathed dreams. (Philippians 4:13)
Trust that I have the strength to tackle all the domestic and career duties while pursuing something more. (Proverbs 31)
Trust my body can be healthy and I have the strength to care for it daily. (Ephesians 5:29)
Trust that my identity is as the child of the most-high King! (Isaiah 43:1)
Trust that the people I love also love me the best way they know how. (Romans 12:18)
Trust that love is patient, kind, and NEVER fails. (1 Corinthians 13:4-8)
Trust that God will provide mental, physical, and spiritual sustenance every day. (Matthew 6:25-34)
This is a hard one for me because trust has never been a strong suit for me. Ever.
I didn’t trust anyone from a very young age. It caused me to lack security and seek control in the little and big things in life. I only trusted myself. But as I grew up and the social, cultural, and spiritual opinions of my peers, mentors, and the world pressed on me, I even stopped trusting myself.
So this year I am opening up my heart to the ONE thing I have been unable to do from a tiny age.
And if people fail me or I fail myself, I know no matter what that I can trust in the Lord with all my heart and lean not on my own understanding, but acknowledge Him and He will make my path straight. Always.
What will your word be this year? How will it direct you and guide you through life? Let us know in the comments and we can encourage each other together.
Goals are good. Reaching them is great! No matter what your goals, resolutions, or word may be this year, make sure you are always making your house a love-filled home.
High five for home!
I love, love, loved reading this post! Your word for the year is very purposeful and will create so much room for growth. Trust is a hard thing to grasp, for all of us, so I commend you for taking on this word for 2019. I also love how you included Bible verses. The last quoted photo with Proverbs 3: 5-6 just brought it all the way home for me! If we can’t trust anyone else, we surely can trust in our Lord and Savior!!! Great read.
Thank you! It’s a journey I have been putting off for a while, but I cannot thrive if I don’t learn this lesson! Blessings to you in 2019!