I spent my teen years angsty and uncertain of the future.
I spent my 20’s floundering and uncertain of the future.
I spent the first part of my 30’s pursuing perfection within the mundane mediocrity of mom/wife/teacher life and uncertain of the future.
Now at almost 40, I am chasing adventure and embracing each moment. Because no matter what age you are or what phase of life you are in there is one thing that is certain…the future is uncertain.
We only have this one moment. It is all we are guaranteed, so I am determined to make each of my moments as positive as possible and count in my book of life.
This birthday wasn’t about me. I woke up early to run in my school’s fun run with my girl and my cuties from class. I then banged on a bongo for an hour while cheering on people who actually ran in the real 5k. Then V and I raced home to change and drive to my hometown for a Beauty and the Beast local theatre show to celebrate June birthdays for my Sweet V, my niece, and myself.

V and I getting ready for the run! And yes I will hold my girly when she asks until I cannot hold her anymore.

Banging on the bongo…

Sweet V’s favorite character…Beast!
Thank the Baby Jesus in the manger for my sister because I basically just walked into the house with a baked orange circle and said, “Hi, can you turn this into a tiger face before we get back from the play? K. Thanks. Bye.” And she did because she is amazing. #teamworkmakesthedreamwork
We had a taco bar. The kids opened presents. We ate three different cakes for three different birthday girls.
I spent the later part of the evening dreaming in the woods and laughing over a bonfire with good friends and family discussing our survival options in a Zombie Apocalypse. Apparently I’ll be eaten because blogging and teaching kids to read are not necessary skills for survival. Time to pull out the 97 point New Year’s Resolution lists from the past to perfect a barterable skill.
This isn’t the birthday I would have planned years ago, but it is the exact birthday that was meant for me today. We have only this one moment and I am choosing to live my best life now!
Birthdays are good. Family and friends are great! Keep making each moment count and making your house a love-filled home.
High five for home!