Photo Cred: Victor Freitas
We were his final masterpiece of creation. He loves us so much. He made us to bring beauty, hope, and healing to this world. It’s our turn to step up and use the voice that God gave us and the dreams he breathed within us to step out into this world and lead it to Jesus. This is the real women’s movement!
Jesus was the first feminist.
He was the first one to protect a woman from the shame and condemnation that a community wanted to place upon her and no one could throw a stone.
He spoke to the woman at the well and any other woman openly and freely in a time where women weren’t much more than property.
He saw the heart and soul of the woman with the issue of blood when everyone else said, “Stay away. You are unclean.”
After His crucifixion, it was Mary, a woman who witnessed Jesus alive. It was her responsibility to go tell the others.
And since God made women partners with men from the beginning of time, and Jesus is God in the flesh, Jesus saw women as equal followers and doers of the Word and did not subscribe or obey any cultural norm of the day and wanted them to follow him toward the love of God as well.
Then there is me…There are God breathed dreams growing inside my heart and the hearts of so many lovely women around me. He is leading us and pushing us to bring His message beyond our homes and out into the community of people hurting and waiting to hear the truth of His love.
I read books and blogs by so many wonderful women who are inspiring us to be the hope and light of a hurting world. These Jesus women are making big moves on the quiet whispers of their hearts. They are saying, “Here I am Lord. Send me! I may be small. I may not have the education or the position or the power, but I have your heart in mine and your power is my power. I want the world to hear me roar your love out loud!”
It’s time more men start moving with us.

Photo Cred: Murilo Folgosi
Come on guys! We need you to stop holding back and hiding behind your careers, politics, culture, pride, or shame, too afraid or too comfortable to bring the life changing love of God to someone else. We need to do this together. And if not, the women of Jesus will do it alone.
I refuse to stand in front of God and tell Him I ignored His prompting in my heart and the command to love my neighbor.
I want to tell Him I knew how much He loved me, that He made me glorious, equal, full of worth, and changed my life…and I needed to make sure that others knew that too.
Let’s keep this women’s movement going. Let’s move out in love and bring this world out of the darkness and back to the Light.
If you don’t know where to start, start in your own heart. Start by reminding yourself that you are SO LOVED by an almighty God. He made you for a reason. You have value and worth. Tell yourself all the things you believe about your own daughter or niece. Then live it. Live it loud in your home and spread it out to the people around you!
Be a ripple. Let’s be a part of the real women’s movement.
We were created to do hard things!

Don’t remain silent